They re waiting for you gordon
They re waiting for you gordon

they re waiting for you gordon

Repeatedly, even on the days when they really didn’t want to, or feel up for it, or feel good enough, and thus they gradually built a brand, got ‘known’, and got found, by you.Īnd right now, the people who YOU are meant to most deeply impact are actively looking for you to show up, fully, and be there for them. They simply answered the call, and did the damn work. Well, I guess I wouldn’t know, and I’d still be seeking, or someone else would have come along and filled that place, but the point is I am REALLY FREAKING GLAD THAT THOSE PEOPLE SHOWED UP.Īs I’m sure you are, with the ones who have most impacted you.īut do you ever stop and think about the fact that these powerhouses, or heaven-sent healers and messengers, these amazing people who through their gifts have helped you to be more of you, that they do NOT in fact have anything magical that you don’t have?

they re waiting for you gordon they re waiting for you gordon

When I think about the people who, through their work, have literally CHANGED my life to the leve l that I can’t ever FULLY express how grateful I am to them, I feel HORRIFIED at the idea of them not having been in my life. Reach out to friends from previous jobs, or colleagues you've only had limited contact with, and ask to connect in a low-pressure environment like coffee or a Zoom call.Imagine if the mentors and coaches who had most influenced your life never said yes to boldly putting their true work out there, to getting over their insecurities and doubts and ‘who am I’, and to letting themselves be seen, and KNOWN, ultimately leading to you finding them. It doesn’t always mean meeting new people. You might even spend some time in advance thinking about the various activities you engage in (gardening, reading, learning new technologies) so you can focus conversations on topics that you’re comfortable with.Ĥ.

they re waiting for you gordon

Instead of stressing about how to make small talk, think about finding shared interests with the other person. For example, if you’re introverted, pretend to be an extraverted character in a video game and score points by talking to new people! This may sound silly, but it works.ģ. Approach them and strike up a conversation.Ģ. There is likely someone who is standing by themselves or is in a group but not really participating in the discussion. Look for like-minded, hesitant networkers. Here's how to navigate these uncomfortable waters.ġ. Do you feel awkward making small talk when meeting new people? Do you hate the feeling of walking into a large conference hall and seeing a sea of strangers? Networking doesn’t have to be scary or hard.

They re waiting for you gordon